
At Cornerstone we practice in receiving and entertaining strangers or guests without reward. Each Sunday morning those who serve in Hospitality provide a Continental breakfast (9:30 – 10:30) during our CCT (cornerstone connection time). Please contact Patsy Lemke 832.444.5715 to see how you may serve in this important area.







The worship team is a group of people who want to share the goodness of God with others through servant leadership. On Sunday morning services we rotate on a floating schedule serving as needed to reach our goal, which is to create an atmosphere in which all can worship God, connecting with Him. We also lead worship on the Worship Nights each Thursday at 7:00 pm, which is a more informal gathering involving worship, prayer and fellowship. If you would like to learn more about the worship ministry and how you might serve please join us on Thursday nights and contact Gary at [email protected].

Cornerstone Kids









CC Youth












Cornerstone Kids is made up of volunteers and staff who serve within the ministry to bring the life-giving message of Jesus Christ. Children who we serve are taught through interactive lessons and music the love Jesus has for them and for their families. They are taught Scripture and are shown how to interact with God’s word in a meaningful way.

For information on the ministry and ways to volunteer, please contact Ashley at [email protected] or 956-312-9800.

First time at Cornerstone?  Sunday mornings we have Nursery Care & Children’s Church for the flowing ages:

  • 0-5 Years Old can be checked into the Nursery during Praise & Worship
  • 6 Years Old – 5th grade is encouraged to stay with their parents in the Sanctuary until Children’s Church has been dismissed to their classes.
  • After the Service a parent or guardian can pick up their child at the Main Entrance of the Children’s Church door.

VBS Info and Sign-Up:




(Middle School & High School) CC Youth exists to save, equip, and send out Middle School and High School students by helping them encounter God, grow within community, and discover how they can do something to impact their church, schools and the world with their unique gifts and talents.

Join us for our first



Saturday, Jul 16th

10 am

Cornerstone Church in Bayview

106 Madelyn Rose


Bring a breakfast item to share with your sisters.

Coffee and water will be provided!


Childcare is available upon request.














Small groups are a vital part of the Church. LifeGroups help people learn about God and grow closer to Him and each other. We will begin launching a LifeGroup near you soon. Contact Hamilton for more information or Sundays check out the info at the connection table.







At Cornerstone, we care as much about those outside the church as those who are already inside. That's why we have made serving in the community and around the world a big part of who we are. Mission Partners are listed below.

  • Laguna Madre Christian Academy – Cornerstone has the benefit and blessing to be partners with LMCA. LMCA is a non-denominational Christian school which seeks to educate children in an environment of Christ-like love, Biblical truth and academic excellence. LMCA offers pre-K3 thru 12th grade utilizing the instructional curriculum from A-beka Academy.
  • Compassion International - Compassion means “to suffer with” and is an emotional response of sympathy. But it’s not just a feeling. The feeling is combined with a desire to help. Because we have compassion, we want to take action and help the person who is suffering.













Dream Team Volunteers

Our Dream Team is what we call our volunteers who help make church ready each Sunday. They help make our weekend worship experiences happen, and we believe they are the foundation part of Cornerstone. By serving, you can make a difference in the lives of others. Setting up tables, small building projects and making sure the building is ready for Church to happen each week. If you enjoy working behind the scene that most people will not see (but our Savior does!) contact Pastor Hamilton for how you may join the Dream Team 956.434.1425.



106 Madelyn Rose, Bayview, Texas 78566 |  Phone:  956.254.4001  |  [email protected]

Office Hours: Tuesday - Thursday 9am - 4pm (by appointment)

Copyright (C) 2021 Cornerstone Church. All rights reserved.