Pastor’s Corner: “Living Luminaries”
Matthew 5:14-16 (MSG) – 14-16 “Here’s another way to put it: You’re here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in the world. God is not a secret to be kept. We’re going public with this, as public as a city on a hill. If I make you light-bearers, you don’t think I’m going to hide you under a bucket, do you? I’m putting you on a light stand. Now that I’ve put you there on a hilltop, on a light stand—shine! Keep open house; be generous with your lives. By opening up to others, you’ll prompt people to open up with God, this generous Father in heaven.
Though we’re living in some awfully dark days right now, this is nothing new for God. He’s been shining His light into the world since time began. Fortunately, because we have Holy Spirit living inside us, we have everything we need to shine bright on even our darkest days.
The heart of our heavenly Father is to partner with us in seeing the light of His Kingdom advance to every dark corner of the earth. Why He in His perfect wisdom has chosen to use us baffles me. But His desire to co-labor with us is the truth of Scripture. God has called us to be the light shining into the darkness of others’ lives in love. For a long time I considered myself incapable of giving “light to all in the house.” I know my weaknesses all too well. I see the darkness in my life. How can I give light to anyone? You see, I thought the light I was supposed to give was the light of my own perfection. I thought I needed to get my life sorted out before I could ever minister to someone else. And I could never quite get to where I thought I needed to be. Out of that misconception I failed to experience the abundant life that comes from being used by God. Is this your story?
The truth of Scripture is that God is not calling us to minister out of our perfection. He isn’t calling us to figure everything out before we can be used. The most powerful declaration we can make to those in darkness is that we who are in desperate need have been met by a perfectly loving Savior. When all the world sees is our facade of perfection, they know right away that they don’t belong in Christianity. But when we live with the courage to be truly vulnerable and honest, we open our lives for those in darkness to see the light of God within us—that He in his grace encounters, loves, and dwells with weak and desperate men and women. We are called to be broken vessels of His light and love. If you are broken and flawed, you are a perfect candidate to shine the light of Christ.
Exodus 27:20-21 (NLT) – Light for the Tabernacle – 20 “Command the people of Israel to bring you pure oil of pressed olives for the light, to keep the lamps burning continually. 21 The lampstand will stand in the Tabernacle, in front of the inner curtain that shields the Ark of the Covenant. Aaron and his sons must keep the lamps burning in the Lord’s presence all night. This is a permanent law for the people of Israel, and it must be observed from generation to generation. We are the tent (tabernacle – temple). (2 Cor. 5:4) – Jesus is the light. (John 1:4) – The Holy Spirit is the oil. (Zech. 4:1-6). Fueled by Holy Spirit, we are called to let Jesus’ light shine through us into the darkness. God provides a Light that shines in the darkness, and He creates a tent (us) to shine through. For Jesus’ light to pierce the darkness, shining brighter and brighter, we need to become more and more transparent.
God is not calling you to share with the world your own perfection. He is calling you to simply be who you truly are, encounter his loving-kindness, and share with the world the grace-filled hope we have in Christ. Take time today to simply let God love you. Allow him to mold and shape you into a child who wholly experiences the love of the Father. And from that place of being loved as you are, open up your life and love others as you have been loved. Live today openly and honestly before God and man. Open up your life to those in darkness that they might see the light of God’s glorious grace. And live as the light of the world, illuminating the path to God’s heart for all those around you. May you experience the joy, passion, and purpose that comes from being used by God to advance his kingdom today. May we humble tents, who carry the Light, glow brightly everywhere as we travel through this world!
In His Grace,
Pastor Hamilton & Family