Pastor’s Corner: “Revivable?”

Psalm 85:6 (NIV) – Will you not revive us again, that your people may rejoice in you? 

Nelson Black identifies ten factors that have appeared in great civilizations of the past and led to their decline and fall. In some cultures, as few as three or four of these symptoms of social, cultural, and moral decline would be enough to bring a society to the point of imminent collapse. The list includes:   

  1. Increase in lawlessness
  2. Loss of economic discipline
  3. Rising bureaucracy
  4. Decline in education
  5. Weakening of cultural foundations
  6. Loss of respect for traditions
  7. Increase in materialism
  8. Rise in immorality
  9. Decay of religious belief
  10. Devaluing of human life

Tragically, according to Dr. Black, the United States is the first nation in history where all ten symptoms are present in one society at one time! Does this mean that all is lost and there is no hope? Should we just resign ourselves to this outcome and give up? NOT FOR A SECOND!  Remember this is GOD we are talking about. If revival in the U.S were dependent upon men, all is lost and hopelessness would be the right response. But, revival is not dependent upon men. Revival is dependent upon God with whom nothing is impossible – Luke 1:37 (ESV)37 For nothing will be impossible with God.” We may lose hope and faith in man, but we can never give up on God and His faithfulness! 

Is the United States revivable? Think Nineveh: The Ninevites were very cruel people. They were known for their savagery. In fact, when they would conquer a nation, they often would torture their prisoners before executing them and were known to burn boys and girls alive. They tortured others by tearing the skin from their bodies and leaving them to die in the scorching sun. Rather than hide this depravity, they celebrated it and proclaimed it. They even built monuments to their own cruelty. Yet, the impossible happened! The whole nation, even the animals fasted and repented in response to a reluctantly obedient Jonah who gave a poor sermon halfheartedly. The whole nation was spared!  

Are we revivable? I believe YES!  How does it happen? What should we do? First, we must understand that revival begins with us, as individuals. The greatest revivals began with one concerned person who went to their knees and prayed for God to bring revival as a sovereign act. We have God’s promise in the Bible that says, “Though I walk in the midst of trouble, You will revive me.” Psalms 138:7 (KJV) 

Do not underestimate the power of repentance! God loves a repentant heart like David (a man after God’s own heart). The repentant Ninevites were able to change God’s mind about the destruction of their city. No matter what we have done, or how far we have strayed from Him, His loving arms are outstretched to His children. He is ready to welcome us, if we turn from our ways and our sins to Him.   

Why do we stray and allow ourselves to become cold and distant from God? A cold indifferent world of sin will drag us away if we let it, but is it ever worth it? Absolutely not! A relationship with our Loving Father is priceless and should be our first priority. Yet we take Him for granted because He is always there. It’s time we turn back to God, repent, and ask for revival, for our families, our Nation, and ourselves.  

God will breathe new life into us when we ask. It’s His will to forgive us, bless us, and welcome us back to our first love. He is so amazing, and His grace is incomprehensible. He will not only bring us back to where we were, but He will take us to new places in Him. If we humble ourselves in the sight of the Lord He will lift us up. The Bible is filled with examples and proof that He wants to bless His people because He cares about each one. Since we are revivable, pray for revival as if it all depends on you. It very well may. 

In His Grace, 

Pastor Hamilton