Pastor’s Corner: “It’s a Jungle Out There”

John 14:6 (NKJV) – Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.

 During World War II, an American pilot who was shot down over the jungles of Burma was able to safely eject from his plane. As he landed in the deep, dense jungle, he was met by a friendly Burmese man. The man gestured for him to follow. So the American soldier followed the man through the jungle. There was no path that he could see, and ahead of him was the Burmese man, slicing away with his machete and was whacking away the tall weeds and thick underbrush. After a long while it seemed to the pilot like they were not going in any particular direction. Wearied and hot, he asked in frustration, “Where are we? Do you know where you are taking me? Where is the path?!”  In broken English, the man told him, “I am the path.”

 Finding the Way: We ask the same questions, don’t we? We ask God, “Where are you taking me? Where is the path?” And like the Burmese guide He doesn’t tell us. He may give us a hint or two, but that’s all. If He did, would we understand? Would we comprehend our location? No, like the pilot, we are unacquainted with this jungle. So rather than give us an answer, God gives us a far greater gift. He gives us His Son. Does He remove the jungle? No, the vegetation is still thick. Does He purge the predators? No, danger still lurks. Jesus doesn’t give hope by changing the jungle; He restores our hope by giving us Himself. And He has promised to stay until the very end. “I am with you always, to the very end of the age” (Matt. 28:20 NIV).

For many people, life is—well, life is a jungle. Not a jungle of beasts and trees. If it were only that simple. Our jungles are thickets of failing health, broken hearts, and empty wallets. Our forests are framed with hospital walls and divorce courts. It is a jungle out there. And for many, hope is in short supply. That is what Jesus says to us in the maze of life: “I am the way. Follow Me. I will get you to where you are supposed to go.” The entire meaning of the Christian faith can be condensed into four words: “I am the way.”

 You might be wondering, But how do I do this? Where can I find hope? How do I find my way? First of all, the road to heaven is a toll road. It will cost, but you can’t pay the toll. Jesus paid it for you. You must realize that you can’t do it on your own. And you must admit that you are a sinner. The Bible says, “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). Which road are you on today? Which way are you going to choose? There is only one way to find a life that is full and rich on this earth and then to know for certain you are going to heaven. It is the highway to heaven. And you can pull onto the on-ramp today.

We all need that reminder, because we all need hope. Some of you don’t need it right now. Your jungle has become a meadow and your journey a delight. If that is the case, congratulations. But remember—we do not know what tomorrow holds. We do not know where this road will lead. You may be one turn from a cemetery, from a hospital bed, from an empty house. You may be a bend in the road from a jungle. And though you don’t need your hope restored today, you may tomorrow. And you need to know to whom to turn. Or perhaps you do need hope today. You know you were not made for this place. You know you are not equipped. You want someone to lead you out. If this is the case, call out for your Shepherd. He knows your voice. And he’s just waiting for your request.

In His Grace,

Pastor Hamilton