Pastor’s Corner: “Feast of Words”

Matthew 4:4 (AMP) – But Jesus replied, “It is written and forever remains written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes out of the mouth of God.’” 

This week, I am challenging the church to read their Bibles for at least 15 minutes every day this week! You can certainly read more if you like. Additionally, I ask that you be prepared share this coming Sunday in your small group what the Lord has revealed to you. Buckle up and get ready! God definitely has something to say to you through His Word. 

Rarely do any of us miss a meal. But we are very likely to skip meals and even starve ourselves of God’s Word. The church today is reluctant to participate fasting from physical food, but are experts in fasting from the Word of God. Why is this? It’s not that we don’t know or understand the value of reading God’s Word. I think if we took a poll in church on the value of reading God’s Word – it would be almost 100% in the affirmative. But yet here we are. The answer is that it is a Spiritual Battle! The enemy also understands the benefits of reading God’s Word daily and works tirelessly to keep us from being fed – and as a result we slowly starve. Most of us do not even recognize that this battle is even going on and we just stumble through our lives from one drama and crisis to another not realizing that we have the Words of God at our disposal! Do you realize what the enemy is stealing from you? Remember he is a thief! 

When we eat physical food, we’re supplied with the nutrients we need to live and be healthy. We get the energy to go to work, exercise, and spend time with family and friends. But when we skip a meal, we feel weak, tired, and even grumpy. And if we keep missing meals, we become susceptible to even greater problems, like illness. Similarly, when we eat spiritual food we’re supplied to live our Christian life. But when we’re away from God’s Word for a while, we can become spiritually weak, tired, and “grumpy,” or, unable to handle difficulties well. We become more susceptible to temptation, doubts, and other kinds of spiritual sickness. We simply don’t have the means to cope with the many challenges that come into our lives as believers. 

2 Timothy 3:16 (NIV) 16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness. Reading the Bible teaches us who God is. Reading the Bible gives us an opportunity to learn more about ourselves. Reading the Bible teaches us how to treat each other as God intended. Scripture releases our chains and lifts our burdens. We gain wisdom from it. The Bible brings us joy. It reminds us of His promises. His word enables us to battle and defeat the devil. You will learn to love and honor the Lord more. Your faith will be strengthened. And you will learn how much He loves you! 

Before you start reading, take the time to ask Holy Spirit to speak to your heart and mind in prayer whatever the Lord wants you to know. Then, in faith expect to hear from Him. If you do not know where to start reading, I recommend that you simply start in the book of John or Romans… cannot go wrong!  “The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you; The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace.” ’ 

In His Grace, 

Pastor Hamilton